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Excellence in Education; high impact in global health

  • The Global Oncology University (GO-U) is a collaborative initiative resulting from the USA NIH funded Global Health Catalyst summits  which builds on the win-win initiative and movement launched by Prof Ahmed Elzawawy to fill a major void in education and training of oncology healthcare professionals in low and middle income countries, while also training the next generation of global health professionals from high income countries.

  • GO University provides access from anywhere to the same excellent education and training  available at the worlds best Universities and Medical Schools.

  • The University was founded with collaboration and funding by faculty from University of Pennsylvania USA, Harvard University USA, Africa-Oxford  (AfrOX) Foundation, University of Heidelberg Germany, University of Massachusetts and a growing global health consortium involving professional societies and partnerships  involving industry,  diaspora organizations (looking to turn brain drain to global health gain) and ministries of health in different countries working to build crucial human capacity to strengthen the healthcare systems.

  • GO University builds on an award-winning collaborative learning model with online lectures accessible from any country, and practical/clinical training in local/regional credentialed sites. GO-U is the premier collaborative e-learning model University designed to offer continuous medical education and degree (Masters, PhDs) and clinical MD residency training in oncology, with vision to eliminate global cancer health disparities.

  • Online classes begin in the fall of each year with planned complementary practical training  in  a number of credentialed Low and middle income country partner institutions. Workshops and Short term education exchange between LMIC and HIC institutions complements practical training.

  • GO-U is complemented by the yearly Global Health Catalyst summits organized at leading world institutions around the world with goal to educate and promote collaborations for high impact global health

  • Our commitment to excellence  and high impact global health, outstanding faculty and collaborative-education  and training model make GO-U one of the leading  global oncology education and training platforms. Contact us to learn more about how you can be part of GO-U as a student or Faculty.


We have a dream that one day cancer will be eradicated,  and that people of all socio-economic, racial, religious, and cultural backgrounds will have access to quality health care for any disease


High impact collaboration initiatives

To realize this dream, we have adopted a transformative approach rooted in the values of creative agency and collaborative work embodied in the word UBUNTU. Popularized worldwide by Nobel Prize winners Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela, ubuntu signifies the idea that “I am because we are,” or human connectedness. This ethos rings particularly true in today’s hyperconnected world, where we all share in the bounty of the expanding internet, advanced information and communication technologies (ICTs) with artificial intelligence and where local health has become global health and vice versa. Activities to realize this dream can be classified into 4 areas: Education, Research, Care and Outreach with unique focus on leveraging:

  • advanced information and communication technologies and Artificial Intelligence

  • unprecedented diaspora engagement to turn brain drain to global health gain,

  • support for highly innovative high quality low cost approaches and technologies for eliminating global health disparities.

  • partnerships with governments, Ministries of Health, celebrity advocates, academia, healthcare industry and NGOs

Women with a Cause


Making a Difference

  • The world's award winning premier comprehensive cancer center in the cloud (C4) 

  • Over 30,000 students engaged in ARA activities  for change

  • New collaborations with millions of dollars in funding for global health  and development work

  • Catalyzing  support for the establishment of cancer  centers in different low and middle income countries including recently in: Nigeria, Rwanda, Cameroon, Ghana, and Kenya

  • Catalyzing participation of USA and European stakeholders in global oncology

  • Over 180 travel awards to Global Health Catalyst summits

  • New cross-disciplinary course in Religion and Global Health 

  • Knowledge sharing with peer-reviewed publications and 3 books

  •  Engagement of  hundreds of diaspora groups in global health and development

  • Unprecedented partnerships with sports, and celebrity advocates to address global health disparities

Women Holding Hands


by Prof Ahmed Elzawawy

In 2007, the Win-Win Scientific Initiative was proposed by Ahmed Elzawawy with aim of increasing affordability of better value cancer treatment in the world via exploring scientific approaches. All the stake-holders, particularly cancer patients and their families could win! This also includes flourishing the business of pharmaceutical companies and manufacturers of radiotherapy machines and medical devices without ruining a country of individual economies. In April 2016, the win-win initiative joined the Global Health Catalyst and became one of its activities.  The initiative led by Prof Elzawawy, engages Industry leaders and stakeholders with goal of catalyzing win-win partnerships to increase access to cancer care and prevention in LMIC starting from Africa. Outcomes of this initiative include the C4 and Global Oncology University



by Dr Lydia Asana

Africans in Diaspora (AiD) for Global Health: turning brain drain to gain. The African Diaspora is one the most educated diaspora groups, and constitutes a major resource for supporting development efforts in their sending continent. For example, Africans in Diaspora (AID) remit over $50 billion per year to Africa, which is more than yearly global aid to the continent. The Global Health Catalyst (GHC) has been leading engagement of the highly skilled/educated/resource-laden AiD  as catalysts for global health helping turn the devastating brain drain to global health gain. The Diaspora’s passion for contributing to their sending countries, substantial material/human resource potential, status/respect in sending communities, and better appreciation of both Developed and sending LMIC country cultures are a significant asset in bridging global health disparities. A GHC survey of USA African Diaspora group leaders shows overwhelming interest (ca. 90% strong) to be a partner in the fight against cancer with suggestions on ways to catalyze such support for their sending continent.  This a unique activity of the GHC engaging minorities in high income countries for global health to help their ancenstral  LMIC. The GHC has been working with the African Union Ambassador in the USA, other ambassadors and the Constituency for Africa with over 100 AiD groups for high impact global health. The AiD program is a an exemplary leading-edge initiative also helping developing recommendations for the USA government in global health.


©2025 by Global Health Catalyst (GHC). GO-U is a collaborative initiative outcome of the GHC summits

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