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The Global Health Catalyst (GHC) summits are premier yearly  events dedicated to catalyzing high impact international collaborations and initiatives to eliminate global health disparities. The main focus of the summits are on  cancer and non-communicable diseases, advancing, catalyzing collaborations for global health and economic development.

Since 2015, the yearly summits have led to many win-win collaborations including the launch of major collaboration initiatives including: the comprehensive cancer center in the cloud (C4) powered by artificial intelligence and the International Phytomedicines Institute, and the Global Oncology University (GO-U).  The summits a unique for their  unprecedented engagement and participation of the diaspora, policy makers, industry, and outreach to minorities not often engaged in global health. Following initial funding support from Harvard institutions, the GHC summits are now funded by the USA National Institutes of Health and have extended to many institutions in the USA, Europe, and accross the world


Win-win collaborations to increase access to cancer care, research and education

Doctor Examining CT Scan


Robotic Lab Assistant


College Campus


Until every cancer patient has access to treatment

We provide the following in integrated tele-oncology  task-shifted care with partner institutions in Low and Middle Income Countries LMICs:​

  • e-consultation and second opinion with tumor boards for complex cases

  • free vendor-neutral radiotherapy support for our win-win partners

International Research collaborations powered by ICTs and AI

Global health research collaborations are crucial in closing the cancer divide, eliminating global cancer health disparities. Key barriers to such collaborations identified at GHC summits include: distance, time, cultural and resource barriers. The GHC provides a platform to overcome these barriers catalyzing high impact collaborations involving researchers in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMIC) and High Income Countries (HIC) by leveraging 1) advanced information and communication technologies (ICTs) and artificial intelligence (AI) to overcome distance-time barriers, and  2) unprecedented outreach to the industry and the resource laden diaspora to overcome resource and cultural barriers.

Award-winning collaborative education for global health

Global Oncology University (GO-U) provides access from any country to the same world class education and training  available at the worlds best Universities and Medical Schools. GO-U empowers crucial global workforce, building on an award-winning collaborative education model with online lectures accessible from any country, and practical/clinical training in local/regional credentialed sites across the globe. GO-U is the premier University that offers both online continuous medical education and degree (Masters, PhDs) and clinical MMed, residency training in clinical oncology (Radiation + Medical oncology), with vision to eliminate global cancer health disparities

©2025 by Global Health Catalyst (GHC). GO-U is a collaborative initiative outcome of the GHC summits

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